Social Enterprise UK

Welcome to the WriteWell Community

In partnership with Social Enterprise UK

Social Enterprise UK are the biggest network of social enterprises in the UK. Our membership is a network that includes all the leading lights of the UK social enterprise movement from multi million pound health care and public service providers to community organisations and retail businesses.

Our members are changing the world for the better, and with such important work, it's important that they take care of themselves too. To help support our members, we’ve teamed up with WriteWell to offer our members free 3-month places in an online writing community which can help boost mental health and wellbeing.

Click here to have a look around the WriteWell website. Free places are on a first come, first served basis.

Your information will only be used to give you access to the WriteWell Community and you will not need to submit any payment details.

We're sorry but due to high demand all the free places for this opportunity have been taken up. 

However, you can still enjoy 14 days of free WriteWell membership.

After this, we are happy to offer you 10% off your annual subscription plan, or 10% off your first paid month's membership. Select the join button below to take advantage of this offer.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch:

We hope to see you in the community.

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